Crystals That Help In Opening the Third Eye

Each chakra represents some energy in the human body. The third eye chakra is linked with perception, inner vision, clairvoyance, spiritual destiny, psychic powers, and a global link. It also governs intuition. The third eye chakra lies between your eyebrows but in the pineal gland. We recommend visiting the best energy healing near your location if you want to heal it. If you want to heal your third eye, this article will help you, as we will share the names of the crystals that help you heal it properly. So, let’s begin the chapter. Shall we? The Crystals Help in Opening the Third Eye Amethyst Amethyst is a purple-colored gem that unquestionably connects strongly to the crown and third eye chakras. The ultimate spiritual stone, amethyst, will stop at nothing to prepare you for that momentous awakening. Amethyst relieves tension, eliminates headaches, and promotes restful, pleasant sleep. Amethyst stimulates psychic powers and encourages you to continually soar higher and ...