Crystals That Help In Opening the Third Eye

reiki for mental health

Each chakra represents some energy in the human body. The third eye chakra is linked with perception, inner vision, clairvoyance, spiritual destiny, psychic powers, and a global link. It also governs intuition. The third eye chakra lies between your eyebrows but in the pineal gland. We recommend visiting the best energy healing near your location if you want to heal it.

If you want to heal your third eye, this article will help you, as we will share the names of the crystals that help you heal it properly. So, let’s begin the chapter. Shall we?

The Crystals Help in Opening the Third Eye 


Amethyst is a purple-colored gem that unquestionably connects strongly to the crown and third eye chakras. The ultimate spiritual stone, amethyst, will stop at nothing to prepare you for that momentous awakening. Amethyst relieves tension, eliminates headaches, and promotes restful, pleasant sleep. Amethyst stimulates psychic powers and encourages you to continually soar higher and higher until you arrive at the highest point of your exquisite self.

Lapis lazuli crystal

Another effective crystal for most crystal users, psychics, shamans, and Reiki practitioners who are associated with the Reiki energy healing to activate the third eye chakra is lapis lazuli. Lapis Lazuli can be used for success, learning impairments, dream work, spiritual awareness, intuition, and clairvoyance. The easiest way to activate this crystal for the Ajna chakra is to breathe mantras or positive affirmations into the stone.


Celestine is linked to knowledge, understanding, mindfulness, and heightened consciousness, qualities of the Anja third eye chakra. The pituitary gland, mainly regulating serotonin, is associated with the third eye chakra. The advantages of a balanced Anja include perception, intuition, creativity, memory, dream recall, enhanced vision, fostering an open mind, and the capacity for big-picture thinking.


Fluorite is a rare healing crystal in blue, green, and purple hues. It opens the Third Eye Chakra, heightens the sense of spirituality, and fosters mental clarity. Fluorite is a valuable and adaptable crystal for any spiritual practice since it can aid in defense against psychic attacks and bad energy. Fluorite is a potent gem for the pineal gland that helps you connect to your inner wisdom and stimulates the gland.

So, these are some of the crystals that help in headlining or opening the third eye chakra successfully.

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